Presentations about: storage

SLUUG - February 8, 2023

Create a minimalist, technically-oriented image. The backdrop consists of a gradient blend transitioning from soft blue to white. In the center of the image place a large, open folder icon that represents dotfiles, with semi-transparent overlays of icons for typical files such as .bashrc, .vimrc, and .gitconfig. On the left side of the folder, place the YADM logo, and on the right side the Git logo, indicating their synonymous relationship, connected by arrows. Add subtle, dotted lines linking these logos to various dotfiles, suggesting syncing and alteration capabilities. Dispersed around the central folder, include small icons representing different operating systems like Linux Tux, BSD Daemon, to hint their use across different systems. Maintain original colors for YADM, Git, and system logos for authenticity, while arrows and dotted lines can be light grey or blue to keep the visual balance without overwhelming the key elements.

YADM - Yet Another Dotfiles Manager

By: Sean Twiehaus

Hands On btrFS

By: Lee Lammert

STLLUG - November 17, 2022

Visualise a representation of modern data storage focused on Btrfs. Have a sleek, modern background with a gradient transitioning from deep blue at the top to a lighter blue at the bottom, creating a professional and polished look. Centre an intricate 3D model of a hard disk drive overlapped by semi-transparent hexagonal shapes creating a network/grid representation alluding to the multi-layered nature of Btrfs. Place the official Btrfs logo, semi-transparently, in the upper left and lower right corners. Scatter small icons for key Btrfs features such as snapshots (a camera icon), RAID configuration (a line chart icon), and compression (a compressed folder icon) around the central hard disk drive model. Add visual effects like light rays or data streams flowing around and through the hard disk drive model, and subtle digital error/glitch effects to indicate quirks Btrfs can introduce.

Btrfs in the Real World

By: Lee Lammert

STLLUG - September 22, 2022

Design a clean, modern, visually appealing image with simplicity. It should have a smooth gradient background transitioning from light blue to soft green. At its center, include a large, simplistic 3D cloud icon. Beside the cloud on the left, display a simplified computer server icon, and on the right, place a simplistic hard drive icon. Incorporate sets of arrows indicating the data flow: one from the server to the cloud and another from the cloud to the hard drive. Add small, sleek monochrome logos of Tux Penguin for Linux and Puffy Pufferfish for OpenBSD at the bottom but semi-transparent to minimize their impact. Furthermore, integrate subtle icons of files, folders, and databases floating to depict the concept of data in cloud storage.

Using Dump and Restore

By: Jonathan Drews

STLLUG - August 18, 2022

Create a visually striking image based on modern cloud computing. The background will feature a smooth gradient transitioning from a deep blue at the top to a lighter blue at the bottom. At the center, depict a sleek and minimalist design of a cloud, representing versatility. Around the central cloud, incorporate modern and visually consistent icons of four devices: a desktop computer, a laptop, a tablet, a smartphone - all subtly connected to the central cloud with thin, white lines. Incorporate smaller platform symbols representing Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, and Linux near the device icons. Add faint technological patterns or representations of binary code in the background. Use shades of blue, white, and light gray to keep the image cohesive and modern. All icons must be in a flat design and arranged symmetrically for balance, drawing the viewer's eyes towards the central cloud.


By: Lee Lammert

STLLUG - July 21, 2022

Create an image that visually represents the concept of Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) with a gradient background transitioning from dark to light, starting from a rich shade of blue or black at the top, transitioning to a lighter shade towards the bottom. The main visual should be a graphic representation of a filesystem extending from a user's desktop or laptop, with connected icons symbolizing different types of storage services such as a locked folder for encrypted filesystems like `encfs`, a cloud for cloud storage, and a server icon for `sshfs`. Include the Linux Tux penguin near the bottom of the screen or next to a silhouette of a user represented as a hobbyist or business professional interacting with the filesystem. Also, include minimalist icons that represent FUSE features like `sshfs` and `encfs`, and a terminal icon with a simple command prompt interface to represent user's ease of use.

Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE)

By: Steven Lembark

SLUUG - June 8, 2022

Design an engaging image that conveys the essence of time-efficient, organized backups. The background is a calming gradient transitioning from a light to dark shade of blue. In the center, there's a large, white open folder. Surrounding it are smaller folders or files, each labeled with timestamps like 'hourly', 'daily', 'weekly', etc. and color-coded. To the bottom right, there's a small, recognizable logo signifying data transfer, and to the bottom left, an emblem representing secure digital communication. Floating above all this are subtle icons of clocks and calendars, reinforcing the time aspect of the backups. This image will not include any text.


By: Tyler Rudie


By: Lee Lammert