April 21, 2022 Meetup
St. Louis Linux Users Group

Linux Memory 'Manglement'
Presented By: Steven Lembark
Steven Lembark will tell us how memory in Linux is “mangled”..... er, ah “managed” by looking at various system calls and data structures.
We are going to get into the deep weeds. Lets look at the data structures in a running process!
There are process performance & memory data structures that have been defined in the original AT&T UNIX, Posix, & now Linux. While commands like “top” will show you info on many of the process running on your computer, its possible to look within the process itself to get details that can be used “real time”.
He’ll use Raku language which is the follow-on language to Perl but it is similar to C. We’ll be able to follow even if you don’t know Perl or Raku. (Perl was originally intended to be THE LONG AWAITED PERL 6 but was so different they gave it the new name Raku.)
Spread the word

@BashBabe • 8h ago
Exciting session alert! Steven Lembark will explore Linux memory management and process performance, using the Raku language. Perfect for all skill levels! See you on April 21. #Linux #FOSS #RakuLanguage https://www.meetup.com/saint-louis-unix-users-group/events/280536321/
Meeting Artifacts and Media
Meeting Agenda
At 6:00p.m. Central Time the meeting opens. Participants are encouraged to join at this time to if they need to test their microphone, screen sharing, and video camera.
At 6:30p.m. Central Time we attempt a quick welcome, introductions, announcements, current events of interest, and a general CALL FOR HELP (Questions and Answers) segment.
At 6:45p.m. Central Time the presentation begins.